Radiation therapists
Radiation Therapy Manager: Nigel Anderson
Radiation therapists are responsible for the planning and delivery of your radiation therapy treatment. They work closely with your radiation oncologist and the medical physicists to ensure the safe and accurate delivery of your radiation therapy treatment. Radiation therapists are highly trained and skilled in the creation of individual treatment plans for each patient and the safe delivery of your radiation therapy. Radiation therapists can also provide advice about side effects you may experience.

Radiation oncology medical physicists
Medical Physics Manager: Kym Rykers
Radiation oncology medical physicists are responsible for ensuring the safe and accurate operation of the specialised equipment used to deliver your treatment. Accuracy is essential in the delivery of radiation therapy. Medical physics is one of our most precise health sciences. While you may never see a physicist these highly trained specialists work hard behind the scenes to create and implement new treatment methods. The medical physics team are responsible for quality assurance and maintenance of new and existing radiotherapy equipment and maintaining radiation safety. They work with the radiation oncologists and radiation therapists to design and deliver the best treatment plan for your needs.
MRI radiographers
MRI radiographers are allied health professionals who work with the radiation therapists to operate the MRI scanner in the radiation oncology department and ensure patient comfort and safety during the procedure.
Radiation oncology nurses
Nurse Unit Manager: Kirsten Oataway
Radiation oncology nurses support patients and carers through their treatment and beyond. They have particular expertise in assessment and management of patients who are having radiotherapy.

Administrative staff
Administrative Manager: Donna Vains
Radiation oncology administrative staff assist patients with appointments and coordination.

Allied health staff
Allied health professionals provide patient care within the radiation oncology department. These may include dieticians, occupational therapists, social workers, physiotherapists, psychologists and speech pathologists.