picture of Adele
 Oct 3, 2024

Finding strength in wellness: Adele’s story

Adele has always been known for her vibrant personality and zest for life, however life took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Adele’s diagnosis came about when a friend mentioned that women over 40 are eligible for free breast screening through Breast Screen Victoria. Given her family’s history of breast cancer, Adele decided to get screened despite having no symptoms. After a few rounds of tests, Adele was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.

While the diagnosis came as a shock to her husband, Adele was not entirely surprised, "Given my family history and the additional tests required, I really was not surprised. In hindsight, I had felt pains in my left breast but always put it down to ovulation, period pain etc.” 

As part of Adele’s treatment, she underwent a lumpectomy at a private hospital but unfortunately, the cancer was larger than initially thought, requiring a second surgery. 

It was after the second surgery that Adele met a nurse who sat with her in recovery. She recalls, “She outlined Olivia’s philosophy about wellness and supporting patients beyond medical treatment. Her passion and how highly she spoke of the centre made my decision and I was referred to the ONJ Centre for my radiation.”

Adele had always prioritised being fit and active, and throughout her treatment, she found solace in the wellness therapies offered to her. Adele worked with a dietician and exercise physiologist to maintain her nutrition and strength, even when she lost her appetite and felt fatigued. 

“Both wellness therapies were important to me as food, nutrition and exercise are a huge part of my life, and I was concerned I would encounter challenges with radiation. These services were beneficial during the treatment process and have continued to be positive for my recovery,” she shares. 

One of the standout moments for Adele was the care and support she received from the ONJ Centre team. "The ease. Everything was organised, each week I was provided with my appointments in advance. It was the first time I did not have to oversee my treatment," she recalls. 

“I cannot speak highly enough of the team -  from the friendly faces at the reception desk, breast care nurses, radiology team, dieticians, to exercise physiologists, everyone had a smile on their face and you can tell love their job! My last day of treatment was an emotional day, and it was nice to be celebrated.”

Adele’s journey was not without its challenges, but she found strength in being open and honest about her experience. Her diagnosis and treatment happened during a hectic time at work when taking time off was difficult, but her colleagues rallied together to support her. The support from her husband, family, friends, colleagues, and the ONJ Centre team helped her maintain a positive outlook. 

With Olivia’s Walk for Wellness only days away, Adele encourages others to join and support the event that helps funds wellness therapies, like the dietetics and exercise physiology programs, that are vital for patients like her. 

Join Adele at Olivia’s Walk for Wellness on Sunday 6 October and help us continue to provide support to patients through ONJ Centre’s life-changing wellness programs.