 Mar 11, 2016

Something to Sing About!

Patients and carers at the ONJ Centre are creating their own special music harmony.

On a Monday afternoon the Wellness Centre fills with the sound of voices united in song.

Something To Sing About (STSA) is a global not-for-profit organisation supporting cancer patients by bringing them together on a weekly basis to sing and have fun. The STSA’s mission is to form a global choir of cancer survivors that supports cancer patients, and generate funds for cancer research.

Lama Majaj, Manager of Arts In Healthcare at the ONJ Centre says, “Singing in a choir makes people feel happier, less isolated and even lessens their pain.”  

Led by choirmaster Adam Przewlocki, one of Australia’s leading show choir directors, the choir breaks into an enthusiastic and joyful rendition of the Beatles classic ‘Hey Jude’.  It is almost as if the singers are fighting cancer with their voices – determined, proud, healing, taking power back and saying “I am ME”.  

“Nobody in the group has sung in a choir before but it’s a cathartic release,” says Ms Majaj.  

The choir sings on the wards and in Day Oncology.  They are patients, carers and survivors singing for patients.  “That is what arts in healthcare has the power to do,” says Ms Majaj.  “It offers people the opportunity to connect, transcend and form meaning out of their experiences.”  

The choir is open to everyone who is touched by a cancer experience, as well as their carers and people who have been bereaved through cancer.  They meet every Monday from 2.30pm – 3.30pm in The Wellness Centre.  For more information, contact Lama Majaj on 03 9496 9950.